(1) 一年一度的美国抽签全家移民又开始了,截止日期是2019年11月5日。今次将会有55,000.00个名额给你抽到。如果你是中学毕业及出生于香港、澳门、台湾、日本、新加坡,柬埔寨、印尼、泰国、缅甸、澳洲、新西兰或其他国家,你会符合抽签的资格。一旦抽到,你及你的配偶及少于21岁的儿女都可以与你一齐移民美国。本事务所有极丰富经验并乐意于助你入表申请,收费合理,有兴趣请与我们联络。你大约有200分之一的机会获抽中!!机会难逢!!
(2) 投资移民的金额则由2019年11月21日起,投资金额将会由美金1百万升至180万。失业率高的地区,投资基金的投资金额则会由50万升至90万。有兴趣获知详情,请与我们联络。
U.S. Immigration News Hot Topics
(1) The Annual US Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery (DV-2021) Program will end on November 5, 2019. There will be a total of 55,000.00 Diversity Visas available for persons who were borned in Hong Kong SAR, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Australia and many others are eligible. Once you become a lucky one you, your spouse together with your children (unmarried and under 21 years old) will be able to immigrate to U.S.A. with you. Our firm will be pleased to assist you in the process for a reasonable fee. Please contact us immediately if you are interested. The chance of being selected is about 1 to 200!! Not Miss it!!
(2) The Investment Program (Eb-5) has increased the investment from US$1 million to 1.8 millions. Target Employment Area (TEA) Regional Center the investment increases from $500,000.00 to $900,000.00 effective on November 21, 2019. If you want to find out more, please contact us.